Skyhumping, more fun than Skyjacking, and Almost as Illegal

 The news story:

The video:

It seems funny to me that David Chrouch of Sky Dive Taft claims: "This shouldn't have happened and will never happen again." and acting like he had no clue this was going on, yet the video seems to be basically a commercial for Sky Dive Taft. Why else would they put Sky Dive Taft in both beginning and ending credits?  Just tell the truth Mr. Chrouch, you knew all about it, and was hoping it would get out, and give Sky Dive Taft all kinds of free publicity....and why didn't the receptionist get fired too? Could it be all the potential customers who will come in just because they want to nail her?  Thought so.
I am no Sherlock Holmes, but it seems obvious to me.

Well done on the Marketing Mr. Chrouch, I hope Sky Dive Taft is the future, just learn to cover your ass a little better, blatant lying on the news just makes you look like a douchebag.