This douchebag has probably done more to ruin the United States than our entire administration (past and present) put together.
He tossed out Wal-Mart's "Made in the USA" buying practices in favor of cheaper made crap from China. This was all cleverly done by making it almost impossible for manufacturers in the US to make products for Wal-Mart. Demanding structural and procedural changes to factories, and then expecting such a low purchasing price, that it wouldn't make it worth it. I'd be willing to bet Wal-Mart does not make these demands of the Chinese manufacturers. (other than the low purchasing prices, because it is cheap Chinese shit after all)
This prick also claims Wal-Mart can't afford to supply it's employees with basic health insurance (a lot of Wal-Mart employees do have insurance, so really would it break the bank to supply ALL employees?) while he draws a completely ridiculous $35 million salary.
Let's put this into terms that the normal person can grasp.... That's $16,826 per hour...per HOUR!
The average Wal-Mart employee will earn $13,650 per year...per YEAR!
Seems to me like just one, maybe two hours of his salary would probably cover the health insurance for all the employees.
These kind of salary practices are 75% of what is wrong with this country. Yes, Presidents and CEOs do deserve high, even VERY high salaries....but ridiculous salaries? Any American that feels they deserve more in an hour than another hard-working American earns in a year needs to be violated prison style.
Michael Duke.........You're a fuckin' Douchebag!